Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Doctor Who

Well, this is random.
But I've started watching the hit BBC TV Show, Doctor Who, and it is currently my favorite show.
I only started watching  3 months ago, but I'm already all caught up.
Doctor Who really is unique. You think that you know a lot about it... But just kidding, it's got the Classics, it's got comics, books, webisodes... It's ridiculous. But amazing.
Doctor Who Gift Guides is doing a giveaway with the game Doctor Who: Legacy, a free app on iIOS and Android. It's like Candy Crush (sort of), just 50 times deeper and about 100 times more awesome. (Because it's Doctor Who, right?) Here's a link to their site. www.doctorwhogiftsguide.com

But besides me saying how awesome it is, here are some of my favorites of Doctor Who.
1. Favorite Doctor
Hands down, it would be the Tenth Doctor, as portrayed by (the amazing) David Tennant. His humor (and I love his looks. *sheepish grin*) is exactly like mine, with his grin and his puns.
2. Favorite Companion (Male and Female)
I have two ties. Rory and Captain Jack Harkness tie for the male spot. And Rose and Clara tie for the female spot. I don't really have reasons for them being my favorite. They just are. :)
3. Favorite Episode
This is a REALLY hard one. I'll answer with my favorite episodes from each Doctor from New Who. I love The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances from the Ninth Doctor(Christopher Eccleston). Blink and Partners in Crime are my favorite from 10(David Tennant). The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon are my favorite from 11(Matt Smith).
4. Favorite Baddie
Mmmm... Probably the Weeping Angels. Because they're so creepy. Or the Silence. Or the Sontarans.

So you guys should really watch this show. Get past the first 3; they get SO much better after that. Then tell me how much you enjoyed it. :)