Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friends :)

Here are some of my friends! It was totally impromptu :P
 These two top photos are supposed to be black and white :P

I didn't take this next one :P

Love you guys!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome Home!

My mother and I went to the welcome home ceremony at 6:30 am(we got there at 5)  for soldiers returning from a 10 month deployment in Afghanistan.
 Anyway, here are some pictures from that morning.

Thanks for your service!

Music and Inspiration

Here are my pictures for my music assignment and then inspiration assignment in my Photography class. The first was taken at our Soldier's Chapel on Post, for our Club Beyond youth group. The second was cherries where my mom and I were picking apples. More soon! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hello! Welcome to my new blog, A Snapshot of My World :)
The purpose of this blog is to share pictures of my life and my world around me that God has made :) I cannot wait to share some photos!